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Zubiaga:Mining Twitter for real-time trend and information discovery (2011/12/12)

Arkaitz Zubiaga,  is a researcher in Social Media & Data Mining. He has been working in UNED for several years, and  got his PhD in July 2011, with the thesis Harnessing Folksonomies for Resource Classification. and now at the end of 2011 he is moving from NLP&IR group in Spanish UNED  to New York to join the Queens College of the City University of New York as a post-doctoral research associate. He is visiting us today.

Title:Mining Twitter for real-time trend and information discovery
Where:  Room 3.2 .Computer Science Faculty.
Speaker: Arkaitz Zubiaga from  NLP&IR Group at UNED in Madrid
Data: December 12 (today!!)
Time: 10:00-11:00

Abstract: The emergence of social networking services such as Twitter, Google+, and Facebook has led to new ways of sharing information with interested communities. In the last years, there has been an increasing trend in the use of social media services, not only by end-users but also by all kinds of groups, organizations, and governments. Social streams produce overwhelming amounts of data that cannot be followed entirely by users. Hence, analyzing, mining, and curating those streams in real-time can help users follow and discover a wide variety of knowledge related to current affairs. In this talk, I will summarize the main issues of performing real-time analyses of Twitter streams, and I will present our recent research on the characterization of trends, and summarization of events from those streams.

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