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Talk: M. Cuadros. Multilingual acquisition of large scale knowledge resources

Speaker: Montse Cuadros (Vicomtech)
Title: Multilingual acquisition of large scale knowledge resourcesacquisition.
Date: Janaury 27, 2012
Time: 15:30-16:30
: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2


The main goal of the research presented in this thesis is to devise new
methods and tools to automatically create new semantic relations between
WordNet senses. That is, to accurately increase by automatic means the
knowledge represented in WordNet.

In particular, our research focuses on devising new methods and tools for:

– Acquiring relevant words from general or domain corpora for an
specific WordNet word-sense.

– Identifying the *implicit* word-senses of the acquired relevant
words with respect to an *existing* knowledge base (in particular,

– Empirically evaluating the quality of the resulting *new* semantic
relations in a controlled multilingual evaluation framework.

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