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14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies in Bilbao

14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2015) Wednesday, July 22, to Friday, July 24, 2015 University of the Basque Country (Bilbao) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (May 8, 2015: Deadline for paper submission)

IXA Group is the local organizer of IWPT 2015 and Koldo Gojenola is its Organizing Chair. The ACL Special Interest […]

40th anniversary of the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada in Santiago de Cuba.

In January Iñaki Alegria participated in the XII Simposium de Comunicación Social organized by Centro de Lingüística Aplicada (CLA) in Santiago de Cuba.

The title of his course was:

“Computational Morphology: trends, finite-states and open-source” (Evolución de la morfología computacional: nuevas posibilidades)

Foma, the application developed by Mans Hulden (University of Helsinki), was the […]

Collaborating on language processing for Basque and Sami (Laponian)

Researchers working on Basque and Sami (Laponian) are collaborating on Automatic Language Processing.

Linda Wiechetek, a researcher from the University of Tromsø (Norway) is visiting the Ixa Group in Donostia in the period April to July in 2010. Her visit is founded by the NILS mobility project.

Why Sami and Basque? Why do we […]