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Talk. Giovanni Semeraro. Information Retrieval and Information Filtering: two battlefields for NLP techniques (2011/05/06)

Speakers:Giovanni Semeraro, Pasquale Lops, Marco de Gemmis
         Dipartimento di Informatica
         Universita' di Bari
Date: May 6, 2011
Time: 16:00
Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2

  "Information Retrieval and Information Filtering:
    Two battlefields for NLP techniques"

 Part 1: Introduction to basic concepts on:
 - Information Retrieval Models: Boolean, Vector space
 - Information Filtering tecniques
 - Recommender Systems
 - Problems with classical information seeking strategies
 Speaker: Giovanni Semeraro
 Expected duration: 75 min.

 Part 2: Intelligent Information Access:
 - Semantic Indexing using external knowledge sources: WordNet, Wikipedia
 - Semantic Indexing for multilingual access
 Speaker: Pasquale Lops
 Expected duration: 45 min.

 - Knowledge Infusion (KI): creating a knowledge base from open knowledge sources
 - KI at work: solving a challenging language game
 - KI applications for recommender systems
 Speaker: Marco de Gemmis
 Expected duration: 45 min.

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