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Talk. Lluís Màrquez. Automatic evaluation in Machine Translation: Towards combined linguistically-motivated measures (2011/05/10)

Speaker: Lluís Màrquez
Technical University of Catalonia, UPC

Date: May 10, 2011
Time: 15:30
: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2

Automatic evaluation in Machine Translation:
Towards combined linguistically-motivated measures

Automatic evaluation plays a very important role in the development and comparison of machine translation systems. In this talk we will overview the current trend of using linguistically-guided evaluation measures based on several linguistic layers and their combination. Also, we will talk about confidence estimation measures, a particular subset of measures to assess output quality without the need of reference translations. Finally, we will overview the role of evaluation measures within the FAUST European project (Feedback Analysis for User Adaptive Statistical Translation;,
focusing on the usage of user feedback to guide the combination of measures.

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