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News from OPENMT-2 project


Three pieces of news related to the OPENMT-2 project (2010-2012):

Gorka Labaka’s PhD thesis

In his PhD thesis (“EUSMT: Incorporating Linguistic Information to Statistical Machine Translation for Basque“) Labaka studied how Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) can handle the translation of Spanish into Basque, a morphologically rich and less-resourced language. He found two ways […]

Collaborating on language processing for Basque and Sami (Laponian)

Researchers working on Basque and Sami (Laponian) are collaborating on Automatic Language Processing.

Linda Wiechetek, a researcher from the University of Tromsø (Norway) is visiting the Ixa Group in Donostia in the period April to July in 2010. Her visit is founded by the NILS mobility project.

Why Sami and Basque? Why do we […]

2010/06/11 Andy Way’s invited talk: ‘Example Based Machine Translation

Speaker: Andy Way (Dublin City University) Date: June 11, 2010 Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, room 3.17 .

– A brief introduction to EBMT, – Issues for EBMT over the years, and the extent to which they have since been addressed (possibly in other paradigms) – Recent open-source EBMT releases. – European Commission funded […]